What is Corona? How is it affecting all the online and offline business?

What is Corona? How is it affecting all the online and offline business?

What is Corona?

In recent times, Corona is a Coronavirus disease also called COVID-19. It's a virus which is generally
found in animals, but this particular virus, COVID-19 has reached humans. There are different types
of coronaviruses, COVID-19 is called "novel coronavirus" because until December we were known to
only six of these coronaviruses and this is the seventh coronavirus, it’s new to humans, so it just got
its name, that’s why it’s ‘novel'.

It's said to be found in the Animal Food Market in Wuhan, China in late December 2019. Officials are
not exactly sure how it started in the beginning. Because a study came out on 25th Jan 2020, it says
that the first person reported ill was on 1st Dec 2019 and that person had no connection to the
Animal Food Market. Officials are still investigating.

It can spread from person to person via droplet from sneezing. It causes mild fever, cough,
breathing problems. It is considered a global pandemic because in sever cases it kills a person to death.

How it is affecting Online Business?

Online businesses are affected which are connected to physical ‘product’, and services which including
humans to move. 

Physical products as in E-commerce business can’t process their orders because they are in a
deficiency of manpower to work in their warehouse. 

And services including manpower means any service which had service provider to come to
consumer’s place and perform tasks, say Plumber, Electrician, etc these people need to arrive at our
place which has become impractical in these situations, but in rare cases or emergencies,
these businesses can provide limited services.

Now let’s talk a look at ‘online services’ and ‘digital product’, all kind of IT services, web development,
web designing, etc these services may not be affected that much as a physical product, because the
tasks can be done via Work From Home and professionals can still deliver their services or
‘digital product’ (App, Customized theme, Plugins, etc). 

Also, Online Courses are not affected by current situations, as it is to learn at home at own pace, but
the Offline Courses or the Classes are affected because students can’t get to respective places so
authorities moved towards digital medium to continue their Courses/ Classes, they are making live
stream to their students for continuation of their courses.

In these crisis times, all business owners need to consider the current scenario and plan according to it,
what steps are needed to take in the future to improve their business.

How it is affecting Offline Business?

The way Offline Businesses are affected is noticeable. Because all commercial stores or businesses
are closed down according to govt. Guidelines. But there are exceptions which are allowed to carry on
which are important for fulfilling the daily basic needs of people.


Government Officials (Police, Defence, Central armed police forces,)
Hospitals and Medical Stores, 
Public Utilities (including Petroleum, CNG, LPG, PNG)
Power Generation and Transmission Unit, 
National Informatics Centre, 
Early Warning Agencies,
Life Insurances, 
Disaster Management, 
Post Offices, 
Grocery Stores/ Sellers
These are some of the govt. Approved services which are running with cautions.

Small, Medium and Large Sized Business are stuck in their offline business. There are Restaurants,
Cafes, Real State, Financial Banking Services, Fitness Centers, Art galleries & Museums, etc which
are affected and restricted to be in process.

As it is said if one door closes then there is always another door open to go through. We just need to
recognize it. So here there is a great opportunity for business to get online and establish their brands
and existences in the digital world. 

In order to be online, there will be a need to establish a website, or an app, or one can also create a
social presence and post needed products and offers to their potential customers.

Art galleries can reach out to existing established brands/ Companies to display their art on their
platforms or if budget allows, they can launch an easy Application or Website by which they can reach
out to their customer.
Exiting galleries can provide Virtual tours with the help of AR (Augmented Reality). It will help to reach
more people and more people can visit their galleries, also those who would have no chance to visit in

Same goes for Fitness Center as well, they can launch videos describing and teaching exercises and
routines that can be done at home.

Real State Business can take the help of digital mediums such as 3D & Virtual Reality Tours. They can
showcase interesting properties to their potential customers and can keep working on their business.

So these are some ways businesses can still keep running.


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