
Showing posts from March, 2020

What is Corona? How is it affecting all the online and offline business?

What is Corona? How is it affecting all the online and offline business? What is Corona? In recent times, Corona is a Coronavirus disease also called COVID-19. It's a virus which is generally found in animals, but this particular virus, COVID-19 has reached humans. There are different types of coronaviruses, COVID-19 is called "novel coronavirus" because until December we were known to only six of these coronaviruses and this is the seventh coronavirus, it’s new to humans, so it just got its name, that’s why it’s ‘novel'. It's said to be found in the Animal Food Market in Wuhan, China in late December 2019. Officials are not exactly sure how it started in the beginning. Because a study came out on 25th Jan 2020, it says that the first person reported ill was on 1st Dec 2019 and that person had no connection to the Animal Food Market. Officials are still investigating. It can spread from person to person via droplet from sneezing.